Saturday, May 25, 2013

This week we talked about same sex attraction. Some people think that it's a choice, while others believe the "born this way" theory. 
There aren't many members of the church where I come from, but we do have very small minded people in Iowa. I think in the church there are lots of people who live in a bubble. They think that the only way to live is the LDS way and anyone who is different or not living the gospel standards is bad or can't be their friend. In Iowa, there are a lot of small towns and most of the people are still old fashioned. Anything new or different seems to be a problem for them. 
I have never had an issue with people who have same sex attraction. In fact, I used to have a good friend who has it. I don't have a very good understanding of whether its a choice or if they're born that way. I've known members of the church who live there lives according to the gospel standards, and go to therapists because they really do not want to have same gender attraction, but somehow they still have it. I don't understand why anyone would choose that kind of life. Especially when it is so clear that they don't want to be gay. 
I know that Heavenly Father loves all of his children regardless of whether they're living according to his gospel standards or not. I can only hope that we as members of the church can be more like him.

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