Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hey ya'll!
This is my first go with blogging so bear with me. The class I'm doing this for is family relations, and it is honestly the most interesting class I have had within my 4 years of college experience. This week we talked about current trends. For example: The age of marriage is increasing, unmarried births is increasing, employed mothers is increasing, and divorce is increasing. Those are not even close to all of the trends that we have seen or talked about this week. These trends did not surprise me though. My personal opinion is that America is getting lazy and selfish (not everyone, but many). People don't want to get married because it's easier to just live with a person, which causes unmarried births. Then when those people do decide to get married, divorce is almost inevitable. Marriage doesn't mean anything anymore to most, so why should divorce matter either? I personally have many friends back home who have kids, and live with their boyfriends/girlfriends. I am not one to judge and I will always hope and wish the best for those people. I personally am trying to live my life according to the gospel standards that I have grown to love over the course of my 21 years. It's not easy to keep my standards when society is moving towards a complete opposite direction, but I am doing my best. The only trend that I really have a hard time seeing a huge issue in is employed mothers. I personally want to work even when I have kids. I love working and I feel like I need work to keep my sanity sometimes! I also don't see an issue in mothers staying home. I think that it's the choice of the wife/mother and of course confiding with your Heavenly Father is always a good option. I hope that my opinions haven't offended anyone and ya'll have a good day!

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