Saturday, June 29, 2013

When people think of communication they mostly think of verbal, but what people don't realize is that nonverbal communication makes up about 51% of communication while words only make up about 35%. The last 14% is attributed to tone. If someone were to say something nice to me, but was making faces like they were mad or their body language was showing something completely different I would definitely look into why they were acting that way regardless of what they say. The saying "actions speak louder than words" is very applicable to this topic. It is very important to have honest and open communication while also sending out the correct nonverbal communication to match what you're trying to say. A quote that we mentioned in class was "Communicate not only so clearly that you could be understood, but that you couldn't be misunderstood." I find myself often beating around the bush with things that I say mostly for fear of what the other person will respond to what I have said. I have gotten myself into a lot of trouble saying things and doing things that I don't mean out of anger. That's why I stress the honest and open communication, and having your actions agree with your words. The last thing that I want to talk about that I think is so important is no having one person be the leader in a relationship. There should be no presidents or vice presidents. The husband and wife should be equal. Power in families is the ability to get someone to think or feel in a way that they wouldn't spontaneously. Every person should be able to feel comfortable enough with the other person that they can say or act in whatever way they normally would without getting put down for it. I have so much to work on when it comes to my communication skills, but that class really has helped open my eyes to some of the important lines of communication.

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