Saturday, June 22, 2013

This week we talked about stress in families. One of the things that we talked about that causes stress in families is when parents argue. This not only affects the parents, but it affects the children as well. When I was a kid I remember sitting on the porch listening to my parents yell at each other. I'm sure when I was that age all it did was make me sad, but I've noticed now that I'm older I've sometimes had the mentality that fighting is a good thing. It's taken me awhile to put together that those positive thoughts of fighting probably came from years of me hearing my parents fight. Of course I know that fighting isn't a positive thing, but it's interesting to have those feelings in the back of my mind sometimes that it is a good thing. I know my imperfections, and I know that I'm different than everyone else so I can only imagine the things that go on with other kids who were raised in a background similar to mine. I know that everybody will have their disagreements, but there are better ways to handle those situations. I can only hope that I can learn and grow from the negative situations that have been placed in my path.

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