Saturday, June 8, 2013

Marriage is the one thing that really scares me, but at the same time it is the one thing that I desire most in life. 

My parents got divorced this last year. I have tried to ignore it as much as possible (it's actually worked quite well for me), but there are times when it weighs heavy on my mind. I have become extremely picky in my dating. I hang out with a lot of different people, but I always seem to find things wrong in every guy that's interested in me. Many people may see this as a bad thing, but in marriage you have to be able to adapt to your spouses lifestyle. & you don't just marry them, you marry their family. It is so important to get to know people completely, and find out if you will be able to work well with them in many different situations. I know that there is a good man out that will be able to work well with me and my flaws, and I will be able to work well with him and his. I've just got to meet him, and be able to put in the required work that goes along with dating. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bailey, I am so sorry to hear about your parents that must be so hard to be facing that trial. Above I think that you did a wonderful job, especially when you shared your own personal experience! In marriage I think that we seek out the perfect person but we aren't ourselves so I think it comes down to finding the person that is perfect to us including their flaws!

    Awesome work!
    Maddison Dillon
